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"True Love" Is

True "Love" is not ownership.

True "Love" is not territorial or jealous.

Those things belong to the ego. The ego wants someone to call their "own". The ego gets jealous and exhibits trust issues.

I think true "Love", wants the best for a person. True "Love" wants to see a person move forward and do better. True "Love" transcends those egotistical qualities. True "love" is unconditional. Alot of the "love" people describe is dependent on what the other person reciprocates.

I refer to "Love" in quotes because it is a misnomer. The qualities, the feelings, the unconscious impulses, and everything else that comes with that emotion, cant be quantified with a blanket word that is often used to describe a multitude of also indescribable feelings. These things can only be quantified by the physiological reactions these feelings incite. So, with that logic, even still calling this emotion I've described as "Love" is inappropriate.

Being "in love" describes a moment in time that people try to extend the length of. It's characterized by infatuation with and fixation on a person. It's common for being "in love" to fade, because it's a product of the newness, the novelty, the mystery and the spontaneity of new relationships. Nothing can be new twice; once the mysteries are discovered, they can't be as intriguing as the first times. That's why it seems like the "love" fades with familiarity. However, the familiarity gives true "love", a pathway into the relationship. During the "in love" period, think of what's exchanged between the "lovers" as deposits to a bank account or investments. The amount each account requires is subjective but as the relationship develops, the investments may pay off in the form of true "love".


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