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The Mirror Metaphor -

Raw thoughts from 2015

Think of a huge room surrounded 360 degrees by mirrors. Each mirror is reflecting a representation of something in the center of the room from a different angle. To the untrained eye, the mirrors contain different images, some vastly different from the others. The mirrors represent people and Whatever it is in the center of the room is the intangible, unwritten, inherent code that all humans go by...

II. In the center of a room is a light. Mirrors around the room are all reflecting that same light but in every mirror the light looks a bit different maybe in color or shape or some other variable. The mirrors around the room represent people around the world and the angle that those mirrors are at represent their perspectives. It would be easy to see this whole set up objectively from the outside looking in, but we're in it. We're mirrors looking at another mirror across from us at 180 degrees or 90 degrees separated from us thinking we're reflecting something different. However, it's the same light from a different angle...

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